Kyphosis (hump) is an excessive curvature of the spine thus bending forward. This causes a hump-like appearance in the upper back. Although teens and infants can be diagnosed with such a hump, it can be identified more in older women. The thoracic spine usually has a normal outward curvature by which the spine is bent backward. However, there may be a deformity of the upper back causing an abnormal outward curve of the thoracic curve called hyperkyphosis. At 50 to 70 years among women, the spinal bones are likely to degenerate and weaken by osteoporosis making them compress or crack. This confers the age-related kyphosis while in teens and infant’s kyphosis would result when the spine wedges out or is malformed over time. Dorsally, the spine is normally straight. However, an abnormal curve may be observed when viewed from the front a condition termed as scoliosis.
Kyphosis Treatment in Bangalore
Causes Symptoms of Kyphosis
Incidences of Scoliosis
It may result when there are bony abnormalities of the spine during birth, with growth abnormalities at adolescence, degenerative spinal changes with aging, or abnormal twisting of the vertebrae after an injury causing muscle spasm.
Body balance and posture is best achieved with normal curves of the spine allowing the head to balance directly over the pelvis.
Extreme curvatures of the spine from normal will cause the head not to properly balance over the pelvis leading to back pain and stiffness. The affected individual may portray an altered gait or walking pattern.
Causes of Kyphosis
Normally, the vertebrates are arranged one to another in a column causing the spine to appear cylindrical. Deformity would occur causing a more wedged appearance of the spine.
Hyperkyphosis would result due to:
- On injury, the vertebrate break and crush thus compressing together. The supporting ligaments of the spine may also be injured leading to traumatic kyphosis.
- Mild injuries will hardly portray noticeable symptoms. With aging, the bones degenerate and thin causing a spinal curvature. The front vertebra collapses and loses its height while the back maintains its height leading to compression fractures.
- Osteoporosis-related kyphosis is most common in older women and on individuals taking corticosteroids for long.
Disk degeneration
- The soft, circular protective discs between spinal vertebrae may swell, balloon out towards the weakest point releasing out its contents. They dry out and shrink causing kyphosis.
Scheuermann’s disease
- Occurs with abnormal scoliosis at adolescence. Also called Scheuermann’s kyphosis. It is identifiable in both boys and girls although boys suffer more.
Birth defects
- Due to the malformations of spinal bones before birth. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Marfan syndrome in children would result in congenital kyphosis.
Cancer and cancer treatments. Compression fractures would result even with cancer in the spine as well as injuries resulting from chemotherapy and radiation in cancer treatment.
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Symptoms of Hyperkyphosis
Hyperkyphosis present with a poor posture where an individual seems to have a hump on the upper back or a “roundback”. It is accompanied by back pains, muscle fatigue and back stiffness. Seldom will make these symptoms aggravate and worsen.
When kyphosis progress the patient may identify the symptoms. This will result to an excessive hunchback. Compression of the spinal cord would also cause neuromuscular kyphosis with neurologic symptoms like weakness, loss of sensation, or loss of bowel and bladder control.
Complications can result due to thoracic kyphosis leading to cardiac and pulmonary problems characterized by chest pain or shortness of breath with eventual pulmonary and/or heart failure.
Apart from the hump, other symptoms are:
- Mild to severe back pain
- Back pain with movement
- Fatigue
- Tenderness and stiffness in the spine
- Forward posture of the head
- Chest pain or difficulty breathing (severe cases)
- Difference in shoulder height
- Tight hamstrings (muscles in the back of your thighs)
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Treatment of Hyperkyphosis
It is unnecessary to treat most cases of kyphosis. Postural kyphosis can be corrected by exercises to improve the gait. Treatment for Scheuermann’s kyphosis in children largely depends on:
- the person’s age
- their sex
- the severity of the curve
- how flexible the curve is
As the child ages and growth stops, the progression of this condition ceases,
Congenital kyphosis may be corrected through surgery.
A back brace would help correct the condition in teens with mild kyphosis preventing the curve from getting worse. It feels restrictive to wear a brace though with time you get used to. With modern braces, it is possible to engage in various physical activities.
There is a high risk of complications with surgery although it corrects the view of the roundback and also relieves pain. It is recommended for only severe cases of kyphosis.
Treating kyphosis
We, at Pulstar Spine Clinic, have treated hundreds of patients suffering from kyphosis using chiropractic ways. Our spine specialists are well experienced to accurately assess your condition and with our non-invasive approaches, bringing a complete relief is our mission.
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