This Pregnant Lady Went Through Chiropractic Treatment – See the Results
Prenatal discomfort was difficult to bear. With the hormones going haywire, the additional hip and back pains made her vexed and irritated. Tensions caused regular headaches and she was not comfortable with her lower back pain. ‘Pain-free pregnancy’ is but a matter of imagination is what she thought. Regular visits to the gynecologist were definitely helping her, but she wanted to deliver the baby without stress and continue to have a healthy, painless lifestyle post-delivery. Seeking out for a trained chiropractor was what she did next.
Consultations and initial examination revealed that her lower back had a certain degree of misalignment and that Amy was suffering from an immense migraine. She wasn’t able to sleep well and was in a state of constant discomfort. This was her first pregnancy, and Amy wanted it not to be a forbidding experience.
Special spine adjustments were needed to help the mother and the baby equally. The chiropractors helped realign her pelvic bones, and special therapies were given to Amy to articulate her posture and the baby’s safe and easy delivery. It was then done by natural means, at home, just like the couple had wished for. Post-delivery the chiropractic treatments helped heal her body and gave her back the agility and comfort to help Amy take care of the baby and the family, without the back pain and the frequent migraine attacks.
For a woman experiencing motherhood for the very first time, it is important to enjoy every aspect of it, and not dread it. The treatment Amy sought, helped her enjoy this important phase of her life, and adapt her motherhood extremely well! Know more about Amy and other’s experiences at